Some of the Surprising Benefits of CBD for Women

By now, practically everyone and their mother has heard of CBD, or cannabidiol, a compound from the Industrial Hemp plant (Scientific name Cannabis sativa).

There’s a lot of buzz, and a lot of hype, so separating the truth from all the sales pitches can be difficult and frustrating.

That’s why we at Modern Moms make every effort to be transparent about the contents and efficacy of our products. Each and every batch we make is produced in an FDA-approved facility and has 3rd-party analytical testing performed so we can provide you with a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) showing that you got exactly what you paid for, each and every time.

So what’s the truth?            

The honest truth is that a lot of research still remains to determine the full effects of CBD and other cannabinoids, as legal complications have made research difficult for the past several decades.

But new research is coming out on a nearly-daily basis now finding new receptors and actions that could potentially be attributed to CBD.

Some of the most exciting studies involve things that specifically pertain to women and mothers, or affect women disproportionately to men.

From treating the symptoms of diabetes, Huntington’s, cancer, colitis, and other conditions to acting as a protective agent to your cardiovascular system, the potential therapeutic benefit of CBD is vast.

The key is getting an effective dose into your system as effectively as possible. That’s what we are all about here at Modern Moms.


Moms are no strangers to pain, but it should never get in the way of living life to the fullest. From those everyday headaches to problems like menstrual-related pain and menopause symptoms, CBD has the potential to reduce pain through a number of different pathways.


While women tend to get arthritis later in their lives than men, women are more likely to develop it than men, and when they do they report higher pain scores from the inflammation that comes with the arthritis.

CBD has been shown to reduce inflammation and there are anecdotal reports of it reducing pain and swelling from arthritis.

Anxiety and Sleep

If there is one swath of the country that ACTUALLY needs their sleep, it’s moms and their kids. And of course we are the ones who often end up sleeping poorly.

CBD can promote a feeling of relaxation by decreasing the excitability of your nervous system, and anecdotal reports indicate that it can help with sleep duration and quality. A pediatric study from 2016 found that CBD aided in anxiety and insomnia in children.

Weight Loss

In a mouse model study in 2009, synthetic cannabinoids were shown to help burn excess body fat, and natural CBD could have potential for weight loss in humans. More research is currently needed.

Buying Guide

When it comes to buying products with CBD, only purchase from companies that:

  • Fully disclose all of their ingredients
  • Don’t use any deceptive labeling or confusing dosage regimes
  • Don’t make unsubstantiated health claims about their products
  • Have all products tested by a licensed 3rd-party laboratory

That way you be sure that the product you are buying has been tested for safety, and you can feel confident that you are getting exactly what it says on the label.

Please note

Research is still ongoing, and it would be irresponsible to claim that just because a product contains CBD that it is going to help you with condition “x”, “y”, or “z”. The information in this blog post should not be considered any claim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. However, there are virtually no reports of allergies to CBD, and side effects are rare and mild, usually the most significant side effect of CBD is drowsiness. As long as it comes from a reputable source, you should not be afraid to try CBD if you are experiencing pain, anxiety, trouble sleeping, or think that CBD could help you.

Charlotte Cremers